Global Talent Search Update



This is the poster I submitted in progress and the final piece. It took a while to finish in between my full time job, my boys, and my daughter getting ready for college.

The last post was some of the different borders I was trying out for the final piece. It was a lot of trial and trial. I think I chose the right one in the end.

It came down to an all nighter before a full day of work. I’m a little old for that. I’m still on catch up, but I’d do it again in a heart beat. It’s really pushed me to just get the work out there. It’s always in my head and my sketch book.

So, now I wait…. with stress and wringing hands. When they post all 999 entries I’ll add a link . If you want to see last years entries check out Lilla Rogers Global Talent Search 2013. Wish me luck.

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